I found this floral sheet at a thrift store for $2.50 and fell in love. I wanted to make something super cute out of it and designed this adorable little dress. I had every intention of doing a tutorial for it and maybe even making a pattern for you all to download. I took about 5 tutorial pictures before I started messing up. And then messed up again. And again. Then I had to drastically change the design. So no tutorial this round.
But after all the seam ripping and re-sewing I loved the finished product. And how my daughter has mastered the idea of peek-a-boo. Or Peeky-boo as her cousin refers to it.
Olive & Ivy Surprise 40th Birthday Friend Dinner
2 months ago
So you not only make but design these adorable dresses? I'm not sure we can be friends anymore...
OK, I'm over my jealousy and now I am just super proud that you're MY cousin!
I think if your baby has the makings of a baby super model. Seriously. She has the looks, a personal clothing designer and a semi-professional photographer. All she needs is a little more hair :)
Yep, I don't even bother sewing anything if I don't have a seam ripper right there by the machine. No point.
Can you believe she MADE that dress?? Sigh, I'm with Katie. Once I'm over the awe and disbelief, I'm just glad you're my sister.
shut the freaking FRONT DOOR!!! That is BEYOND cute! I just don't understand why you aren't making my penny and matching one??? hahah
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