The 50mm lens wasn't quite up for focusing two feet away.
The infants were rather happy with their limited views.
The girls really liked the sea turtles
E even managed to get a high five.
They really liked touching the starfish.
Big Sis's knees will tell you they are not made for adults of Maidename proportions.
They had a new exhibit with a room full of jellyfish, the stuff my nightmares are made of. It was still pretty cool though. They had lots of heavy base going and the jellies would move to the beat.
Like I mentioned after the first trip there, the lighting design is really fantastic.
M agrees.
Last time the 360 degree tunnel was one of J's favorite parts, this time, not so much. She still was willing to pose with me though.
M was super entranced by the fish. It was fun to watch him follow them with eyes.
They have a big McDonald's like play place at the end with this sub at the top and both girls loved it.
I loved that my infant took a bit of a nap.
We headed to Rainforest Cafe for lunch to make the day even more awesome. And because I found a coupon in the Entertainment Book next to the aquarium passes.

The girls adored the slightly creepy animatronics.

I enjoyed the fun bar stools.
They even had more fishies!
As well as awesome frog hats.
M was not amused.
The pigtails did not last through the aquarium and definitely not to lunch, giving my daughter a rather eccentric style.
It was a really fun adventure and a great way to end Big Sis's summer vacation.
I love all of the pictures. I bought Cousin E that outfit for her birthday!
Don't you wish you could look cute with crazy hair like J? When I try I just look crazy :)
I love you sissy!
Such fun adventures. Thank you, thank you thank you for all the photos.
What a great day. I love the pictures of MY cousins in this post:)
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