I have lucked into several new
bzzcampaigns lately and this one was much more pleasant that the unpalatable FiberOne bars. Don't be confused, I did not try eating this product, but I happily lathered up in the name of free product. I was heartily disappointed when I opened the box and saw the flavor the folks deigned appropriate for me.
Peony and rose oil? Really? I associate rose oil anything with octogenarians and hugs you need to hold your breath for. I was fully prepared to hate it, while petulantly wishing they would have delivered me soothing oatmeal and shea butter. Mango and cocoa butter would have been fine, and even Ocean Therapy with Deep Sea Extracts sounded intriguing.
But no, I was saddled with peony and the censures of my conscience for complaining about something I was given for free. I dutifully soaped up and much to my surprise, it smelled wonderful! Sure, it brought me back to junior high and my short-lived infatuation with Victoria Secret's
Love Spell, but it was a happy jaunt. It has been many years since I opted for something beyond the neutral fragrance of Dove or Olay and I was surprised to find how nice it was to have a floral scented soap once more. A simple pleasure added into my morning routine. It has a nice lather to it as well and my skin didn't feel tight or dry afterwards. Well, no more than normal.
Despite my olfactory pleasure, my skin reminded me why I nixed smelly soaps. The last couple weeks my eczema has been flared up beyond the chronic patches on my hands. I went through the check list: increased stress? Not particularly. Change in bathing or swimming habits? Nope. Different integumentary product? Darn.
Farewell my fine fragranced friend. It's not you, it's me. I just need some more moisture in my life. We can still see each other occasionally, just not everyday. But can you give me the number of your cousin? Maybe the one with the soothing oatmeal?