So I forgot to post that Erin and Lauren correctly guessed baby J's bday! The only problem is that I can't decide what the prize should be. So readers, give me some inspiration.What would be something fun I can make for their prizes? Who knows, your idea might make it into a future giveaway that you could win! Of course Erin and Lauren, you are welcome to add a suggestion as well :)
And for all those who have kids and the numbers actually have context, here are her 2 month stats:
Weight: 10lbs 4 oz
Head: 15.25in
Height (or length rather): 23in
Pretty much average all the way around, but a little lighter than norm. Although the doc assured me she is brilliant despite average head circumference :)
But I'm pretty sure she can get by just on these looks.
Then again, maybe she should still work hard in school...
Olive & Ivy Surprise 40th Birthday Friend Dinner
1 month ago
Awesome, awesome title.
I'm should start charging expectant moms to guess when their baby will come. I've won quite a few times. I even guessed my nephew's gender (it was a surprise), day, and closest time and weight.
(Here's where I feel bad and pretend I don't want a prize) Until you can title a post without words like "zombie" and "survival mode" I expect no prize. Or ever for that matter. I always love the cool crafty stuff you make but sleep is much more important at the 2 month stage.
(Here's where I give shameless suggestions for crafts that I would love to see you make!) Unless you need a creative outlet... I've been looking into making a big letter "A" and "O" with a ampersand to put in the twins' room. Something painted or modge podge paper with some cool accents might be fun... I'm up for a surprise. I will admit just thinking of what you'll come up with gets me excited.
-I can't believe how much older baby J looks. Way cute bow too!
Is something wrong with me that I love the funky faces best? I just love them! And I think you should do something like you have in your bathroom with wood and paper letters modge-podged to it. Easy and SO cool!
I just laughed out loud. I mean it's no down syndrome but it's still pretty awesome :)
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