As the school year is coming to a close (17 days!) I find less and less motivation. A girl volunteered to get my board ready, write the warm up questions, what goes in your planner, etc. Less work for me =happy. With that comes the privilege of deciding what students need for their stamp. She decided that in honor of teacher appreciation day, everyone should give me a compliment.
Out of 28 kids, I received 24 compliments on my appearance (teeth, hair, etc.), one on my taste in music, one blank look, and only two compliments on my teaching. Two.
Thus reinforcing my belief that no one actually listens to a word I say.
Olive & Ivy Surprise 40th Birthday Friend Dinner
1 month ago
At least you look cute?
or maybe they just really wanted to impress you and in their jr. high minds thoughts they should go for the appearance over everything else. one day they'll appreciate you for your teaching, but really we can't expect that out of 14/15 year olds can we??
(I student teach this fall!! crazy!)
Ok, think about it. What is most important to kids that age? Appearance! You received the best compliments that they could have given you. They would only notice your teaching if it was very bad. So if you turn that around:
because they didn't seem to notice your wonderful teaching ability that means that your teaching must be very good!
Ha ha ha! Just remember- kids are dumb! And we're getting SO CLOSE!
PS Your MIL is AMAZING! Can I comment on her blog without weird-ing her out?
Ooh I know, comment in Spanish!
agreed - kids that age definitely would compliment your appearance if they thought you were cool and personable. The slightly more mature ones may compliment your teaching - but if you asked, I'm sure the rest would have said "yeah, well duh thats good." they probably thought they were being creative
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