Freshman are really just kindergarteners, with slightly larger vocabularies and body odor, but the same attention span.
My students were drawing their data tables on whiteboards
One boy decided to add sound effects to his artistic endeavor.
Vrooooooooooom,vroooooooooooom, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr, vroooooooom, vrooooooom eeeeeeeeeeiiiiir
In case my onomatopoeia didn't give you sufficient detail, you should be hearing the re-creation of a car changing gears and sliding into turns as a marker or 'car' makes a large rectangle.
After his lab partner erases part of the box I hear, "What are you doing?! I can't draw that again! It's too long a drive!"
Avery Heritage winter formal
2 weeks ago
That's so funny. I think that perhaps everyone in junior high is weird ... science teachers included :)
I remember thinking in kindergarten, "Why do boys make sound effects?" I still haven't figured it out.
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