We finally got to move into our new house near the end of August. My parents were amazing and I couldn't have done it without them. They helped decide where things should go and unpacked everything. They even cleaned out the garage and organized it. And my little sister was amazing and entertained the kids while it was all happening. I'm beyond blessed. Here's what our new home looks like.
This is the view from the front window. Everything is so green!
J decided M3 needed a headband.
I just love his ears!
The kids emptied half a bottle of dishsoap into the sink while they were "doing dishes" so I just let them play since the damage was done.
I was doing some yoga and J had perfect just a second before I snapped the picture.
This baby is very snuggly so my mum took advantage of it.
M continued to fall asleep in the strangest places in the late afternoon.
I went to Kindergarten open house with J and they took all the kids on a little bus ride. I was so nervous she wasn't going to get on the bus the first day of school and have an epic crying fit. Husband had to go on a 2 week business trip two days after we moved in so I was doing a lot solo. My parents were there for a few days, but the first day of school it was just me and a bunch of kids. We had done as much brainwashing as we could, asking strangers if they were LUCKY enough to ride the bus when they were kids, etc. It worked! She gave us all hugs and hopped on without a hitch!
I've got a bunch of gorgeous hydrangeas on the property that are simply stunning.
This boy told me to stop playing with his hair. It is not a toy.
We took a break from unpacking and went for a hike in the conservation area down the road.
Again, sleeping sleeping in the strangest places.
This kid turned 3 months. And what an eventful 3 months!
I found a folder of my school work. I still remember getting this poster when I was the student of the month in first grade. It meant the world to me. And now I have a kid with memories she will have forever. I'm so screwed.
I won a poster contest in 2nd grade. I was so embarrassed that I left out the H in shape so I added it after. Guess who grew up to teach science!
I remember thinking this looked JUST like the Eric Carle book we read and we used marbles in paint to make the red portions.
I was very proud of this bison picture in 4th grade. I even had a bison shirt.
I won the bookmark art contest in 2rd grade.
This was a family portrait from kindergarten. I'm the one with red hair. My dad's hair is amazing.
I gave my old trophies to the kids. They set up a trophy shop and sold them back to me.
The kids found a nest in the backyard.
I felt stupid because I had no idea what kind of tree had these strange green fruits. Then I stepped on one and found this magic nut inside. I had no idea this is how walnuts grew.
This baby is SO cool.
She chose all stripes even down to the socks and was matching M3
I was cleaning out the jet tub and forgot about it for a couple minutes.
My friend let me test her lovey pattern
I love the vest. Pacific Northwest style for the win!
And then J made me crack up by wearing it.
I taught them how to play Settlers of Catan. Now they want to play it and I hate it. All the pieces! So much time! It's the worst.
They kids loved this snail at the park and J made a hilarious video of him to share with her dad.
And then somehow this little girl went to her first day of school. She comes home energized every single day and just adores school. Big Sis bought J and Ellie matching outfits before we moved so they could wear them and think of each other. They both wore them on their first day of school.
M really wanted pancakes so I obliged. I totally nailed the mickey mouse and needed to document it.
I'm going to put a whole page of these napping shots in the 2016 photobook. They always make me laugh because it's very unexpected to come around the corner and find him passed sleeping.
Lil Sis and her hubby came over for dinner and I used it as an excuse to buy a bunch of the fancy cheeses I wanted to eat. It was awesome and I decided I need more cheese plates in my life.
Marilyn came to visit and we had so much fun eating things at Pike Place and the children's museum.
Rupert is such a sweet little boy.
It's silly, but this frog turns on the spigot in my front yard and I never knew I could love a chotskie so much. All hose bibs need whimsical sculptures.
Nothing is safe in my fridge.
I told him we needed to wash something (I remember what it was) and I find that he loaded and started the washing machine, complete with soap. I have no idea how much soap was added and I'm happy to report there was no suds running out. But seriously, THIS KID!
After making the elephant, I experimented and made a kitty cat.
This is on the floor of my bathroom. Greeeeat place for a nap.
I know that M3 didn't make the mess, but it sure looks like he did.
George comes home with the kids and they write about it in the journal. We made him a vest an J surprised me with a perfect blanket stitch. Montessori preschool and Miss Edith for the win! I was a little afraid her teacher would be annoyed that now George had an accessory that could be lost and warned J that they might just want it to stay in the classroom. Fortunately Mrs. Haaland thought it was great and could stay with George.
We ate outside on the deck often and watched the hot air balloons. I still can't believe this is my life.
And another one. Just for fun.
I asked M if we should head upstairs and make biscuits. "No. Biscuits are for dogs." Bwhahah. Aaaand I may have a small obsession with local honey varieties and fancy jams. I feel no shame.
I bought maroonish purple corduroy pants and love them. Then I realized that M3 had a pair too.
"Take a picture of my rocket ship!"
Since she has started school, we have an actual routine going and it involves doing her hair. I've been surprised how fun it is.
Apparently you can make your hydrangeas change color with different soil amendments. These are late season and a pretty purple.
I saw the mums in costco and couldn't stop thinking about them so I bought two and they make me happy every time I walk up my porch. Autumn! I love it!
She finally let me put the pigtails up high instead of low by her neck.Curly piggies!
The colors here are just so amazing. This was outside the dentist.
Speaking of dentists, J lost her first tooth and since the morning routine includes teeth brushing with the hair styling, I felt I could finally take them. I never wanted to feel guilty confessing how terrible I am at making them brush their teeth. This pediatric dentist was amazing though. Puppets and movies and rubber bracelets and golden coins for the gumball machines filled with toys. My kids even surprised them by happily posing for xrays. M's adult teeth are huge. The dental assistant was impressed by the size of his chompers and they are just buds. Sorry, kid. That's my genetics.
And so ended September.