J packed her own lunch- an apple, a tinkerbell of water, and 3 bottles of BBQ sauce
She also decided to rearrange the pantry
We toured inside the Gilbert temple
WE went to the zoo with Jacob and Caleb. They looked aroable with their hands on each other's shoulders.
J went outside and made tea. "This is my tea. It's hot. Don't touch it. It's very special to me."
M fits just perfectly inside the roaster.
J decided Lemon Meringue needed to play the part of Gretel.
Her I spy quilt from her grandma makes the most perfect play mat.
We bought a minivan and I adore it.
In lighting that isn't florescent, I look a bit like a cartoon character.
J wanted me to wear a princess dress and I blew her mind when I came out in an old prom dress.
We had Melanie and Jason play with us and ate popcorn outside
My dear friend Jayme got hitched. The 4 of us have been friends since nursery.
I tried my hand at wood burning with my husband's soldering iron (with permission)
I taught J the duck face and the bathroom selfie.