
Friday, May 30, 2014

Tea Party with Grandma

J was quite excited when Grandma came over with all the fixings of a tea party, including hats.

The hat didn't stay on long, but it is necessary for the experience.

Grandma even brought a tablecloth to put the thrifted tea set on. J was even able to keep the pieces!

"That's the tea." While J does indeed like tea, Grandma brought yummy lemonade.

And what would tea time be without biscuits?

J is a total champ at pouring and impressed all with her delicacy and lack of drips and splashes.

I foresee the tea set getting plenty of use in the next few years. My dad let us play with a real teaset as girls since it was just one of his theater props. Add in the hat collection and all my friends were amazed at the quality of things my parents let us play with. I'm so happy J gets to have some of the same experiences I remember so fondly. Thanks Madre Dos!

1 comment:

  1. So thankful a tea party expert is there. Thank you Madre Dos. I love tea parties. J needs to practice a British accent., wait.. Pop pop can teach her in a few months. Yea!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)