
Monday, June 2, 2014

Life through cell phone pics

 Every now and again I like to post the random photos from my phone that never get published on their own because it shows a glimpse of our unscripted moments.

Like our girls lunch out to Ethiopian

Of my niece chopping through a carton of frozen strawberries as a late night snack.

Or the beautiful discovery of Biscoff spread at my grocery store.

I wore my retainer and J noticed it. The next day, she brought me this piece of my "mouth thing" It is actually a piece to a clothespin

And to record one more funny thing J did, even though most of you read it on facebook, I was practicing some yoga at home and Jae was doing some of the moves with me. Then we get to the meditation. I'm laying down and doing a decent job of staying in the moment when I feel cold little fingers pry open my eyelid and hear, "Do you want to build a snowman?"

My college roommate is marrying Husband's college roommate and the engaged couple came to visit for a weekend because of an awards dinner thing. All the girls in that apartment got together and went out to dinner as a little bridal shower. We decided to commemorate it in the parking lot with an awkward selfie. Well, it was actually two selfies, both sort of terrible. They were the best group of girls to live with and are still so much fun!

My nephew decided he want more spaghetti and helped himself. I admire the independent, can-do spirit of the boy.


  1. What a beautiful life you have... at least according to the photos. I am so excited for B and D's wedding. Hope you got to enjoy your little sister's visit a lot too. Give everyone hugs from us.

  2. Don't mess with nephew B and his food. Remember the pizza he pulled off the counter? He's not going to mess around with the possibility of hanger.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)