
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tortilla Flat

Right by Canyon Lake there is a town with the population of 6 called Tortilla Flat. Feel free to google it and the the one building. It is a really fun little place to stop. My cousin Matt and I had been unsuccessfully trying to hangout and we both actually committed to going, with neither flaking. I think that alone makes it a sort of epic trip. He found some lovely ladies to come with him. While waiting for them, Husband and I did what you are supposed to do when bored in a tourist trap, take pictures of ourselves. I don't mind if it is cliche because we really don't have enough pictures with the two of us in them

Apparently it doesn't work as well when you are staring into the sun.

The prickly pear gelato did not disappoint at all. The mannequin being hung does give it a slightly macabre flavor.

The ambience is bolstered by our dear friend Mabel.

Matt, here is the new profile picture as requested.

I didn't notice the ladies were wearing matching shades of blue, but apparently the photo-bomber knew and wore the appropriate color of shorts.

It was a really fun little adventure and I appreciate someone choosing a destination. Shout out to Donnie for watching the kiddos so we could savor it. 


  1. Ah this is going to say Aaron's name but it's just so much so work to sign out and then sign in. Anways, remember that little ghost town we stumbled upon? Or maybe you planned going there and I don't remember. This reminds me of that. I love the squinty eyed selfie of you and John :)

  2. I adore little adventures! We are having lots more here, just cause we know we have a limited time here. Well also because there are missionaries who want to go places or recommend things to do. I promise I am going to do more of this when we get home! Amazing photos as usual!

  3. Interesting gelato choice. Looks like fun!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)