
Sunday, June 4, 2017

M's 4th birthday

M turned four! We celebrated his special day by heading to the aquarium. It was a bit of a hot mess figuring out parking and blow out diapers and ill-timed potty breaks. We didn't get to spend as much time with Lil sis and my cousin Josh and his family as I had hoped when I suggested we all meet up there. Oh well, such is life.

The otters made it worth it though. I always forget how big they are.

I have a love of sea lions and harbor seals. One of them was just pestering and being obnoxious to the other one and it was so easy to see the irritation in the body language.

Can you find the birds?

We did get one picture of the whole gang at the exit at least.

M passed out cold.

We went to Ivar's for lunch and Josh took M on a pigeon chasing adventure because the birds gross out all the ladies in the group. I also caved and let the kid get the smashed penny souvenir he always wants.

He loves balloons so we got him this bouquet to wait outside his door in the morning. This boy was SO excited for his birthday but I don't know if he appreciated how stupid expensive this number balloon was.

We had a birthday party for him at the trampoline place since I won a bunch of passes at the silent auction J's school put on. He had a great time with Kennedy, Phillip (and siblings), Liam and Ellie (not pictured), and Blake.

They wouldn't let us bring in any outside food so we had our cake outside and opened presents on the curb like the classy people we are.

 I also took McDonald's to him for lunch at preschool at his request. Boy LOOOVES McDonald's something fierce. He also chose a Skippy Von Jones from the birthday bag and passed out Blow Pops to his classmates.

He went on a special date with his dad and picked out MORE paw patrol. These ones have jet packs so clearly we needed them. That's the fun of your birthday date though, you get to pick something without Mom's judgement.

1 comment:

  1. He is getting so grown up! I sure love seeing all the kids and cousins!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)