
Sunday, June 4, 2017


Thank you Seattle airport for this amazing play structure inside the terminal. And thanks gymnastics for seriously elevating my kids' parkour skills.

We had a 2nd family bday party for M at Cheryl the great's house. Grammy made him a special cake with a Sky paw patrol on it. M had asked me the week before how old he'd be on his next birthday. I told he'd turn 5. Well at this party he was convinced he was turning 5 because it was he turned 4 at his last one. It took me another couple weeks to convince him he was still 4, we just had two parties.

It was fun to have my grandma there. I always get scared that each trip will be my last chance to see her.

My sweet brother drove up from Tucson just to see us and it meant so much to me. ALL the Maidenames were there and it is always special when that happens.

My childhood scrapbooks are full of shots like this and it's fun to see all the cousins grow up over the years so I am putting them in my children's too.

We originally planned the trip for Ellie's baptism, but due to complications with the divorce it ended up not happening. We just called it a big 8th bday celebration instead. Grammy made her a little Ariel cake with the same figuring that Big Sis had on her cake.

Here is all of us!

We spent Mother's day at my in laws and I had to get a picture with the cousin M looks like the most. In typical M fashion, he is moving and it didn't really work out.

M also got to help Grandpa work on the car and LOVED it.

My cousin has a couple new babies at her house and I just fell in love with them. Worst picture of me, best picture of the baby.

She even got me the most amazing Hug a Alpaca Kit. Because that's what true love is.

We ditched the kids with my in laws for a night and stayed in a Scottsdale resort for a night to celebrate our 11th anniversary. We ate lots of delicious food and went to a spa and just loved hanging out just the 2 of us.

Husband even went with me to the Madison to experience my favorite spin studio because that's true love.

Then Husband flew to California for Google I/O and I flew home solo. I feel like I earned major mom points for getting all the kids, luggage, and car seats to off site parking without any major meltdowns or problems. I thank the prayers of the many many family members on my behalf.

1 comment:

  1. I was so grateful that you and Lena came And brought your babies. I loved having everyone here and am so grateful for the photo. I know that Grandma loves seeing you and your kids too. You are definitely an amazing Mom, and not just because you negotiate the airport so masterfully with kids and accoutrements.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)