
Friday, April 3, 2015

Spark Festival

We went to the arts festival downtown with Big Sis, Grammy and PopPop. 


The theme this year was Earth Air Fire Water and these ladies represented them.

There was this interesting fish exhibit that I imagine would look way cooler at night. M was fascinated that the control board would make sounds when he touched it.

The ground in this one made music when a shadow covered the sensors, but the kids didn't really catch the correlation.

This one was really cool. The light projected onto the sand, but when you swept the sand away, it was black.

The fountains were the highlight for all the kids though.

Baby Jace is walking now! He also inherited some curly hair.

This was my favorite shot of the bunch.

 Natalia came too and had a great time.

This one was my favorite and I plan on recreating it in my house. Everyone got to make a shrinky dink fish scale.

After the fountains, M's favorite was the spinning chairs. He would wait his turn and then go run up to one right before someone else was about the sit in it. The adults were far too nice to him even though I tried to insist they would take a rightful turn. They were lots of fun though.  If I had $700, I'd buy one. ( I actually looked it up just now. You can buy them here.

J liked the hanging birds and enjoyed coloring one of her own.

After this we went to get a snow cone, but M spotted the kettle corn and started shouting "Pup-caryn!" over and over so his cuteness was indulged. It was so much fun an dI'm so glad my community offers these kind of events for free!

1 comment:

  1. We had such fun!!! Having grand kids with us just makes the activity perfect!!! Love you all so much!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)