
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Cell phone picture dump

My latest bzz campaign was for Screamin Sicilian pizza. Dude, it is officially my favorite frozen pizza. It weighs at least a pound more than the other brands and has really tasty meats. It's $9 so about the same as ordering one, but perfect if you are too tired to even pick up a pizza. Of course I got it free so it was that much better. Bzzagent, try it out folks. Anyways, the box had a punch out mustache that M put on. Hilarious.

I may have become addicted to a Korean drama and relinquished my phone in exchange for fifteen more minutes without interruption. In return I received 30 pictures like this and several interesting 15 second videos.

This was a photo request. Not sure why M is so proud of his toast, but whatevs.

J took this one and I love it.

I made a pretty pie for pie day. We got together with Husband's family and had pot pie and quiche and lots of dessert pie in honor of the occasion.

J layered a blanket flower inside a petunia and the result was gorgeous.

I poured out a bowl of green beans for M and he decided he needed more. King of the Green Beans!

M discovered the same enjoyment of being inside the hamper that J did when she was younger. He had a little flashlight to make it even more fun.

1 comment:

Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)