
Friday, January 9, 2015

Resolutions 2015

I always like to see how I did on last years goals/plans and blogging them makes them easy to find!

1) Buy a minivan.  DONE! Best decision ever.

2) Visit Lil Sis. DONE!

3) Paint a new family portrait. We need one with M in it :) I also need to figure out what to do with the old one.

Nope. I decided to keep the old one as is.

4) Get Lasik. Done! My left eye is still not quite perfect but I only really notice it at night. I might get a touch up

5) Visit 3 new parks. Blew out of the water

6) Bring back the monthly goal list. Husband actually suggested this one. We accomplished more when we had our little monthly check boxes. Nope. I've been rocking a to-do list though and it's been working

7) Go on a little getaway with the Husband. DONE! It was a birthday surprise for Husband and was a blast

8) Do a full family activity every other month. I didn't chart it, but I think we did at least 6 so done!

9) Commit to Sunday night planning sessions. Not really. We have gotten better at communicating the weekly schedule and viewing the budget though

10) Go to sleep earlier! Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Averaging probably about the same number of late nights as last year. 

Unofficial goals

Practice french at least once a week 6 months solid! Then I started teaching spin and yoga and stopped completely

Read the entire Old Testament. fail. I made it to Numbers, but I'm going to keep plugging along.

And on a side note, I kept track of how many books I read in 2014 and hit 49! It was a diverse year full of YA fantasy, memoirs, my first Tom Clancy book, some great nonfiction, and the ridiculous Pulitzer winner, the 800 page behemoth The Goldfinch.

And for this year...

1) Finish 10 of the projects on my project list (this includes the paper crane installation from 2013's resolutions, a jean quilt, cap to the retaining wall, etc)

2) Visit Tucson 4 times. I miss that brother of mine!

3) Go to the temple more than 12 times

4) Index once a month

5) Journal once a month (preferably once a week, but let's not set the bar too high)

6) Invite someone to dinner once a month

7) Go to sleep at the same time as John more nights than not

8) Make a dent in my yarn stash

9) Review the budget once a week

10) Get a complete 72 hour kit, 1 year supply of food, and 3 months of easy pantry meals stored. I"m about half way on each of these, but this will be the year I have zero guilt about this!

How did you guys do one your resolutions? Make any new ones?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a super successful year!! I want to get a new house set up and at least some food supply


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)