
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Life Lately According to my cell phone.

My friend Clay posted this key rack on his facebook wall so I made him one.

Husband wanted to clean out the closet in office we share. Naturally we ended up rearranging all the furniture we have in the house. Four trash bags, three bags to goodwill and we have a much better organized space. I pared down all the kid cloths, the toys, everything. Very cathartic. And shout out to my Aunt Chris for watching the kids for 6 hours while we worked.

We realized that we hang out with the Coopers all the time and have very few pictures with them. This picture commemorated the best cinnamon rolls I have ever made.

M thought the frosting was excellent.

I was taking pictures of price tags in Ikea and M kept saying "cheese!" and demanded a selfie

I'm not sure what cute moment I was trying to capture, but this is a pretty good representation of my life.

Not sure what has happening in this one either but I like it.

I surprised Husband with a staycation for his birthday. We did exciting things like get his car washed, then saw a movie, and went to Fogo de Chao for dinner. He had room service cheesecake as a birthday cake. It was seriously fantastic and I love having my parents around to watch the kids for us! And Lil' Sis and Aaron to come with us and tag team watching the kids.

We may have started our own Christmas Eve tradition by lighting a million votive candles, singing Silent Night and letting the kids blow them all out.

J realized we had matching gold shoes on.

1 comment:

Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)