
Monday, August 18, 2014

Dantzel and Brian got hitched!

Somehow I lost June. Not quite sure how it happened because I have physical evidence it did indeed exist. This wedding was one of the adventures.

Brian was John's college roommate and has been a great friend for along time. He's shown up on the blog often, like rock climbing here and every Balloon Fiesta and Albuquerque adventure. Dantzel was my college roommate and we stayed with her during our DC trip and another time here.

And 8 years later in the coolest turn of events ever, they decided to marry each other! I know, right?! I'm going to pretend I had something to do with the matchmaking even though I didn't really.

And to make it even better, my in-laws watched the kids, John's brother (who also roomed with Brian in college) and his wife Piper (who is probably one of the top 20 people I'd have on my team to survive the Apocolypse, for her company and not just her extensive knowledge of knots) road tripped with us. And Lil' Sis rode with us as well so it was essentially the best group ever. Please say the last phrase with a teenage girl lilt.

Brian is not one for pictures and did an admirable job suffering through.

Brian is an adventurous soul and has owned excessively large military trucks. This is his current one, next to his other large truck for scale, that they drove home in. Despite eschewing facebook, I'm sure he ended up all over the internet. Who could resist snapping a shot of the Just Married sign during a red light?

Meanwhile, our crew enjoyed ourselves. And if you know us, that means we enjoyed eating. Lots and lots of eating. And taking pictures with statues because that's what we do.

Everything in New Mexico has green chiles in it. Everything. Even the gyros at the Mediterranean place.

The eggs benedict were on green chile biscuits and had a jalepeno glaze.

Overall it was a fantastic trip with excellent company to celebrate two wonderful people. We wish them the best!


  1. So Fun to see the photos and hear about the wedding. I love all of them but especially the ones of my kids and of course the camo and flowers monster truck....


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)