
Wednesday, August 13, 2014


When J started spontaneous doing leg lifts, using the couch as a bar, I asked what she was doing. She replied, "My ballet exercises," in very matter-of-fact tone. It continued at random times throughout the month so I figured Angelina Ballerina must have had a greater impact than I realized.  I looked up a little ballet class through the city parks and rec and figured a class once a week for a month would be something she'd love. It goes against my principles to pay for classes for a 3 year old, but it was cheap and there should be perks to being the oldest.

Well she loved it. LOVED it. And not just for the costumes. Normally the moms have to wait in the hall and peek through the window in the door, but the last class we actually sat in back and watched. Apparently she wasn't just making sounds as she pranced down our halls. Her 3 year old pronunciation of Chasse stumped me, but was accurate.

 I was beyond impressed with her teacher. She managed to teach some basic ballet principles to 12 three year olds. She managed them artfully. She had J's heart on day 1 because Miss Stacy wore a sparkly Rainbow Dash shirt. And she gave out dumdums at the end of every class.

Since J liked it so much, we did a second session and were happy find find our friend Taylor signed up too.

Here is a video from the first session if you want to hear her joyfully exclaim, "This is so fun!"

(I spent a half hour trying to embed the video and I admit defeat)

I'm a little nervous she is going to love dance and I'm going to have to fork out hundreds on dance costumes and shoes. After finishing up last year's photobook, I found pictures of when we went to see the Nutcracker and realized I might be partially to blame for the ballet interest. I suppose I'll start budgeting for the tulle now.


  1. I adored the video and am excited for a real ballerina in the family. I hope the term is back in vogue. I sure do love you all!

  2. But what a good cause all that money will go to! She is lovely!

  3. oooh my heart. I may even donate to that fund. So sweet! Not that I'm biased, but I think she was the most seriously dancing one in the class. ^_~. Great job J!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)