
Monday, May 12, 2014

Celebrate Mesa

J referred to it as the tea party festival, which I think is some bastardization of a Strawberry Shortcake event. It was on a very busy Saturday for us, but we rallied our energy and went for an hour. Mostly because of that resolution to do more full family adventures. It helped me have the little extra push to get out of the house, when we would have really enjoyed staying home wasting time on the internet and being annoyed with our kids. J loved it and it ended up being a perfect little outing. I love how the city hosts these events for free, even if there wasn't a hot air balloon like last year

She spent most the time in this open air bounce house.

 We rode the little train together and took awkward selfies.

This one has a bit of Miles so it gets published even though we look goofy. But hooray for pictures with Husband in them!

A church was doing face painting and J chose a butterfly. I hope she wasn't expecting the amazingess that was at her birthday party. She seemed content with what she had.

They also gave her a little yellow mustache :)

We had a great time and it might just become a yearly tradition.


  1. The energy it takes to 'do something fun' is rather great, but worth it! Love you all so much!

  2. Short and free are two of my favorite words when it comes to family outings! Looks like fun!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)