
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

It's cool to blog about thanksgiving in December. I didn't manage to do a holiday blog photo for it this year, despite my plans for a racial insensitive pilgrim and indian photo. Nor did I manage to take many pictures of the event in general. It's just that I'm so easily distracted by food. I walk by and it tells me to "Eat! Eat!" or I have to try and help a little one to eat or prevent a little one from eating. Here is a quick photo essay on the day, mostly highlighting the bread and honey.

 Half a second earlier he had the exact same look as the cat, but I missed the moment.

His eating of the flashlight was killing me. He'd stare at the light, wince, then put it in his mouth. Then he'd pull it out, wince and put it back in and light up his whole face from the inside.

1 comment:

  1. With French's onions in 2 of the photos! Food is definitely a great place to focus during thanksgiving. I will have to wait for another year for the Pilgrim/Indian photo. It should be a classic. And I love kids and flash lights. I will get mine warmed up.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)