
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Maricopa Steamers

There is this big hobby train station (area? park?) near my in-laws house by Wet N Wild and they do a big light display every year. Since J is now old enough to enjoy it, we went to check it out (It's free with a toy donation, and we all know how much I like free).

J enjoyed the friendly snowman.

Then we went through the tunnel to get on the train

And then most of my pictures started to look like this

 Then I learned that kids are supposed to at least be able to walk in order to ride the train. So I figured Husband, his brother Justin, and J would ride and I'd go again with J after. So I snuck this one handed picture of them on the train. My apologies for the less than glamorous picture, but I wanted to give some sort of scale for the train. The trains are about 2 feet tall and you straddle the car, not baby juggling friendly since you could tip it with great big lunge.

Then one of the hobbists running the place told me he had a seat just for me and the kiddo up front. Since M was being rather sweet, I decided to go for it. There should be perks for wearing 12 month clothes when you are only 7 month. The kid fell asleep on the 20 minute ride. My kid. The one who hates sleeping! It was a Christmas miracle.

J then went to meet Santa after the ride.

They had a conversation that went something like this.

Santa: Hello! Did you ride the train?
J: Yep.
Santa: Did you have fun?
J: Yep.
Santa: Is that your brother?
J: Yep.
Santa: Did he ride the train?
J: Yep.
Santa: Have you been good this year?
J: Yep
Santa: Is yep the only thing you say?
J: Yeah

(cue laugh from onlookers)

Santa: What do you want for Christmas?
J: Purple.

1 comment:

  1. Just adorable. Purple!!! I love it. We will remember the Christmas miracle when he won't sleep here and look for something to ride.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)