
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Def: Pumpkin Patch

pump·kin patch

  1. 1.
    a collection of pumpkins, sometimes with fall themed carnivals
  2. 2.
    a hotbed of blogging mamas furiously snapping pictures in hopes of getting a great shot for social media

I figure I might as well be one of them :) I was successful in case you didn't see the pics on facebook.

We had maybe 100 rejected shots, but here were some other contenders. 

He thought the stem was amazing and promptly tried to eat it.

I scored the seasonal onesie (IN SEASON EVEN) for a buck and couldn't even get a good shot of it.

Madre Dos drove all the way out there to spend the day with us and be my wingman.

This is what happened when I tried to get a picture of the kids together.

So Madre Dos held them.

And a half second later they start doing this.

J also has an obsession with poles. She has to touch ever one she sees, including all 7 for handicapped parking on the way to the gym doors. Unless I'm actually early to a class, then she can walk right by them no problem. but when I'm late, This time she was able to play to her heart's content.

I hope it doesn't portend her future career.

Madre Dos along meant I actually got some pictures with me in them too.

We went to Vertuccio Farms again since we had such a great time two years ago. They expanded their entertainments.There was a barrel train.

A giant air pillow.

Bouncing pony things

Feats of strength

Duck pump races, where J would have spent the entire day.

She stayed until she had it all to herself

All of the ducks are mine!

 Seriously, sheer delight.

We might have to make it a yearly tradition, just for this sign.

She milked the pretend cow.

Enjoyed the mini maze

Then there was the tube slide, There was another one twice as tall next to it and she went down both repeatedly all on her own. It made my heart beat faster just being up that high, but she loved it. As she'd go down she'd yell, "YAHOO!" and bring a smile to all the onlookers.

We also made friends with the pot belly pigs and goats.

She successfully fed it a weed.

We went into the corn maze. They freak me out a bit because I hate not being able to leave somewhere when I want to, but I managed the anxiety by not attempting to go through the whole thing.

Of course she won't pose with me.

You might notice Puppy joined us on this adventure. He's a big hit in our family, especially with M. I wish I could bottle the giggle that he was making. I'm pretty sure it could heal the world.

And so ends the Halloween posts! We might eventually get into November :)


  1. Oh, Thank you for all the photos. I feel like I was there. I can't wait to hear his giggle in person. So glad I have that joy to anticipate. You are an angel! I'm so glad your Madre dos comes to help and visit. We have wonderful families! Those smiles are priceless.

  2. What a great place. I love all of your outfits but J's especially.

  3. Your Father laughed out loud when he saw M's face. Just adorable!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)