
Friday, November 8, 2013

Aunt Mona's Halloween Party

I'm pretty sure my great aunt Mona was an original pinterest mom. I remember her hosting these amazing parties on holidays, just for the kids. She made my first heart sandwich cut out by a cookie cutter and I thought it was the fanciest thing I had ever eaten. She always sent out invitations and we went home with treat bags full of Valentine's day or St. Patrick's Day goodies. I was delighted to be invited to her Halloween Party this year and see some of my Dad's extended family. I believe these are Bonnie and Larry (I'm still fuzzy on the names). They dressed up as Duck Dynasty.

This guy is my dad's cousin but I don't remember his name, nor the woman next to him. Can you help me out Dad?

This is one of my second cousins and his little boy.

Here is the Aunt Mona spread for the kiddos in the tea room. Yes, she has a room dedicated to these kinds of parties.

J enjoyed the swag.

These girls just took J under their wing and made her think she was 8 just like them. The one on the left is Katie and they are Mona's adopted grandchildren.

M was sleeping so I left him at home with his dad. I loved having a little date with my little girl and need to do it more often. I also aspire to being the hostess Mona is some day.

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing these photos of extended family. Yes, I think dad does recognize them, though he is sometimes foggy on names. You 'do your family proud' representing us at these events. Thank you so very much.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)