
Friday, October 18, 2013

Phoenix Zoo

We found a culture pass for the zoo and invited our friends the Coopers. It's funny, the Coopers are probably our best couple friends, the kind you don't apologize for a dirty house or dinner that is 45 minutes later than you planned. Yet I don't think they have ever been featured on the blog before. Probably because most of our adventures are centered around eating amazing food and when there is food abounding, you better believe I put down the camera. Anyways, we invited them to join us in the ridiculous September heat for some fun looking at animals and playing in the splash pad.

"Look! Fameegos!"

And orangutans

And elephants

Since we have documented the animals sufficiently before (J looks so much bigger than she did in January), I mostly snapped pictures of the kids at the splash pad.

This tunnel leads to a phenomenal cave full of stalagmites and you would never know unless you had to chase after your children.

They had fun running around with abandon.

Another entrance to the cave

Jake started crawling in the water so J followed.

Then it sort of became the thing to do. Made me think of elephants :)

M was just kickin' it in his surprisingly coordinating outfit.

The position of the water on this one made me laugh so I had to include it.

I'm not sure what started it, a desire to do a headstand or trying to get their hair wet. The world will never know.

They also enjoyed this owl nest, but their coloring looked scary so it got the B&W treatment.

Jake's face also got a little chocolate granola bar treatment.

We were disappointed that the Komodo dragon wasn't there. Thankfully a scorching metal one was available.

In effort to get the most out of our completely free admission (two adults and 4 babies, all for free!) we went to the Fischer Price playground exhibit and petting zoo, even though we should have probably headed home. 

There is something eerie about the toys this size. It's just weird. It was also followed by the mother of all meltdowns, not limited to both kids crying, loss of shoe wearing privileges, and the tightest stroller straps possible.  Unfortunately the exit was a mile away at that point so the photos stopped at the playground.

Overall, it was a great day. The half hour ride home without the beloved and forgotten blanky didn't add to it, but the fun still outweighed the bad.


  1. What wonderful fun. They didn't have a splash pad at the zoo when I was taking kids. What a great idea. Sorry it ended in distress instead of sleeping kids. So glad you do these things. They are what make childhood wonderful

  2. Nice stream. Your photos are lovely!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)