
Friday, June 1, 2012

Vertuccio Farms, Picking Peaches style

When my sis in law invited us to go peach picking today, we were definitely game! We had a great time last year and learned to wear hose-able shoes. We went to Vertuccio farms this time and it looks much different than in the fall.

She is actually pretty good at putting them in the bag
She's training for the shot put

Eating dirt is fun too

I plan all of these fun things to do and my kid prefers to just sit and play with rocks

But she isn't neglecting her shot put practice

Next week's adventure will be canning all the peaches.


  1. I love the photos. Come get jars whenever you want them.

  2. i didn't even know vertuccio had peaches! i love that place.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)