
Monday, May 28, 2012

First Thunderstorm

It started raining out of the blue last week and in true AZ fashion, it really rained. For less than an hour. Naturally, we took 100 pictures and restrained ourselves to 40 to put on the blog.

At first she was a little scared

Then fascinated

Then she started having fun

 Then she wanted to go inside

But mostly she was just cute

Please note the adorable curl


  1. I think we need more thunder storms so she can get used to them. All the photos are wonderful.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You always have the cutest photos. I loved the time line!

  4. Looks like she had a blast. II hope we have anther thunderstorm soon!

  5. LOVE the trike shot. and that curl is killer. jesse was scared of rain for the longest time, too. poor arizona kids. :)


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)