
Monday, April 2, 2012


"There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips

 Last summer I was quite pleased by the low expectations garden. I thought one little garden box would be enough to satisfy my vegetable desires when I originally planned out my backyard. 

I was wrong.

It is just too much fun to pick food from the garden. And when I saw all the pretty flowers at the nursery I couldn't help myself. Then my mother heard how much money I spent and started digging up pieces of all her plants so I could have even more for FREE, I just couldn't help myself.

So after the season's first sunburn, two days, and 10 hours work, I have now finished phase 4 of the backyard. (New Year's Resolution done!) Shout out to my sister and mom for their help.

What you don't see is all of the weed pulling, loading of the manure, unloading manure, digging and mixing the manure, digging up the irrigation lines, repair of the dog chewed irrigation lines, smoothing the dirt, installation all the drippers, planting actual plants and seeds, moving more dirt for diverting water, and searching for missing caps.

You can't tell, but this is going to be a flourishing herb garden.

Since these pictures were taken, I've replaced 8 drippers and several feet of tube thanks to my dumb dog. There is now a dramatic expanse of chicken wire protecting it. We'll see how much of the garden actually has a chance.

Mid planting, my niece added this addition to the cozy coupe.

Where did she get that idea?


  1. Wow, that's awesome! I don't have a garden now but it's been on my mind a lot lately. Thanks for the motivation!

  2. This year it is
    TAKE: 4

    I have come to appreciate the pilgrims and their labors in the new world…. because I have not managed to grow anything but mint (a weed) for three years now in our crap-for-crap Massachusetts soil.

    My lack of a green thumb is what local farms bet on each season!

  3. I love God's sense of humor. What does it take to get a great garden going? A load of manure... to make beautiful flowers and food. The ultimate 'lemonaid'.

  4. I've decided that dog poop should have the same benefits as manure. Looks great!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)