I crocheted a little chihuahua because J requested it.
My peonies keep blooming and are just gorgeous.
J gave me a flower for my hair and lost another tooth at school. 3 for 3 at school! Woot!
A friend gave M3 an alpaca sweater and he's adorable in it. You can't see it, but there are little yarn alapacas on the back.
After spilling a pint of blueberries, M decided to open the costco box of lucky charms and eat just the marshmallows.
He had a time out for refusing to clean them up and he fell asleep INSIDE his duvet, where I found a bag of mini wheats and a box of capri sun.
Another quarter, another bodyflow launch with Rebecca.
M3 says like 20 words and one day he said Cocoa's name, so we decided to leave his name Cocoa. Or Coco for coconut according to M.
The fall days have been crisp and sunny so we've been enjoying the park.
I made a unicorn for a friend's baby and made up my own pattern. Could be better, could be worse.
I was telling my friend how the Fred Meyer by my house has waaaaay more variety because of the Asian population. She was jealous because she doesn't have bitter melon at hers so I had to send pictures of the offering so she could justify the trip.
My friend had extra gourds from her garden that she gave us. M told me he had the perfect spot for it. He hung it on the bush in our front yard.
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
Husband did the wiring for downstairs and saved us thousands of dollars so I told him to buy whatever tools he wanted for the project. Our Milwakee collection is getting extensive and it made me think of the shopkin collection also happening at our house.
I went to fiber fusion to check out some spinning wheels and they had a baby alpaca! I also met an alpaca farmer who is looking to sell some females and he offered to breed one before selling her to me. Then I could have a baby alpaca! Husband says no. But look at it!
We planted pumpkin plants this summer after an excursion to the nursery and we got three little pumpkins! This guy is about the size of a really big honeydew.
There are far more red leafed autumn trees than in AZ. I felt like most there were yellow, but here they are fire engine red and I love them so much. And this baby. I love him so much too.
I went on a run while watching a friend's kid and I just can handle the magic of the sun shining and the perfect 60 temp. None of the photos are doing it justice.
I made some wood burned spoons as a wedding present.
And a slew of candy corn hats of various sizes.
The leaves! So beautiful!
J just looks so small on those big 'ol horses but she loves it so much. She has even created goals for herself and wants to get better at trotting so she can progress to galloping. So she can become a famous trick rider. "Well, a REALLY GOOD trick rider." I stayed to watch during her lesson and she even asked to work on specific skills. So I'm going to bankrupt the extracurricular activities budget and let her take more lessons.
I wasn't really excited for Halloween this year and didn't have plans for a family costume. Then Cheryl the Great sent a package with these Woody pjs and I realized we could all be cowboys to go with J's nebulous horseback rider choice of costume. M deemed the pirate costume itchy so I'm fairly certain that is $25 down the drain. We borrowed the stuffed horse suspenders and no one would wear them but I negotiated one picture. It turned out great! Husband had to work late and just met as at the ward party so he didn't dress up with us. I'm still calling it a win.
We buried Carrot months ago in a mac and cheese box. We had mac and cheese again this week and I found this note.
I found this pumpkin kit for like $3 last year with plans to give it to M for Christmas or something. Never did, but I pulled it out this year and they loved this FHE.