
Thursday, April 20, 2017


 I've decided I really enjoy Easter celebrations. I can go all out with decor and tablescape and there is no expectations like with Christmas. Christ's resurrection is such a beautiful and joyful reason to celebrate.

And I like matching outfits. This was unfortunately the best picture we could get. It's under the magnolia tree/bush because I just found out what that plant is. I've only ever read about magnolia tree, never actually seen one. This is a royal star magnolia, not the breathtaking pink bloom kind, but still lovely.

I made a little Easter tree centerpiece with the blooms. 

Most of the cinnamon roll bunnies looks like mickey mouse, but this one was distinctly rabbit.

J got little high heels and was sad her elementary school had a no high heels rule. The shopkins person was a huge hit as well as the Marshall and petkins.

Oh and we also dyed 4 dozen eggs because Winco is amazing and I wanted monogramed eggs at each place setting. Like many of my plans, that didn't work out because my cousin Josh was stuck in CA with a sick while and didn't make it back on time. We invited another family in my ward and it was still delightful. And the kids had a blast coloring the eggs so we had plenty extra. All my kids love eating them too, even if peeling them is a little too tricky.

M3 ate 4 and a full cup of yogurt for lunch. Crazy kid.

Originally it was supposed to be an adorable baby in a basket of Easter eggs. But as you can imagine, a crawling baby wants nothing to do with being in a basket. Here are some of the outtakes.

Making a mess of plastic Easter eggs, not that is something he was interested in.

Yep, the ears didn't stay on long. J was a champ and kept putting them back on him for me and jumping out of the shot. She'll be a great 2nd photog someday.

1 comment:

  1. I dyed some raw eggs just to use the dye. We may be related. Your artistic side really shows to advantage in these photos. I think I liked the outtakes at least as well as the baby in a basket. Your family is just too cute, and I think the 'real life' photos are actually more beautiful....especially down the road when the frustration is long forgotten. Thank you for sharing your photos, family, and your testimony!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)