
Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I've become really bad at taking pictures of adventures when we have people visiting. I think I'm too busy trying contain the children or enjoying the company. So I have no pictures of my cousin Michael when he and his family came to visit. But I have pictures of Stephanie and the kids! They came for veteran's day weekend and we went to the Seattle children's museum.

M was having a tantrum and I found him like this a few minutes later.

J was proud to reach the top of this

Babies in bow ties!

And R2D2 outfits

I lucked out and BOTH boys were napping! It was so exciting.

The baby wants to eat everything, even the furniture.

I made a new table! And by me, I mean mostly my brother-in-law Aaron, but I did help.

Cheryl the Great, Scott, Dallen, and Julie came to visit for a weekend and we loved seeing them! We went on the Great Wheel and Wings over Washington. M had been begging for that Ferris wheel since we lived downtown.

We also joined then for a tour of facebook. There is a jacuzzi ball pit that M3 loved.

And the upside down cafe

I marbleized a pegboard in a tobaggan for my kitchen.

"A hat like PopPop's!"

I love my baby panda.

He helps me do laundry.

Grammy and PopPop came up for Thanksgiving. Wore M out.

I made a cheese board and have to have a cheat sheet for what kind they are.

I splurged and bought the thanksgiving jammies. The turkey hat!

It was a perfect thanksgiving

 We made the turkey hats J always did in preschool

There are a ton of these pics in my childhood scrapbooks and now I totally get all the cousin pictures.

We went to the train park by Sissy's house

J made lips out of grapes and it was hilarious.

We went to our first Christmas tree farm and bought my first real christmas tree as an adult.

My parents treated us to breakfast in Duvall right before.

I have a holly bush in my yard so I made wreaths with my mom.

"What's this cactus called?"


  1. Looks like a good month! Cute family!

  2. He's Definitely darling in a bow tie. So much fun with your cuties! Cousin pics are Sooo fun...even more as they get older!

  3. I think that's my new favorite quote ever "what's this cactus called?" I love it! I'm so glad you posted december!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)