
Monday, February 1, 2016

J's Lego Unicorn Party

Before Christmas, we had a birthday party. I felt a little bad because J had been cruising pinterest since November dreaming about what kind of party she wanted. She changed her mind several times but committed to a lego unicorn party. I figured, why not? Then the evils of December happened. I only got about 6 of the super cute invitations made (no pictures) and ended up just text messaging invites to the rest of her friends. Then I find out that the cute invites that were finished five minutes before picking J up from preschool didn't have the last digit of my number on them. Oops. Probably why only one preschool friend ended up coming :)

It still turned out pretty cute even though I'm fairly certain I threw up a couple times that morning. Not my best work, but who the heck cares! We had marshmallow lego heads, lego brick juice boxes, and lego candies in bags fastened by lego barrettes (those were made before December happened).

 I don't know how it happens but her parties are always really mellow despite 15 or so kids. They colored lego guys as everyone started arriving.

We had a pinata and I'm still on a four year streak of no one crying or getting hit with the bat.

We frosted sugar cone unicorn horns and they were a hit.

Cousin Lyla

Brinley G, Lyla P
Aiyanna M  and Selene P

Penny B and Riley Z

BFF cousin Ellie

Cousin Kenzie

Miles and Kaleb

Pin the tail in some variation is always a hit. Always. Especially when you can steal back drops from other people's parties and not have to spend a dime on it.

A little curling ribbon was perfect.

We made ice cream cinder cake with some oreos on the top for the legos.

It's important to me that December birthdays get all the fuss they would in a different month. Pair that with my inability to leave anyone out of invitations and this girl makes out like a bandit between her birthday and Christmas.

Happy birthday to the best little girl! 5 has been your best year so far.


  1. You can tell me how to do a party any day ? Seriously- not your best? It sounds perfect. I'm also impressed that you took some pictures and blogged about it. My blogging stopped during my terrible month back in the day and hasn't recovered yet.

  2. You can tell me how to do a party any day ? Seriously- not your best? It sounds perfect. I'm also impressed that you took some pictures and blogged about it. My blogging stopped during my terrible month back in the day and hasn't recovered yet.

  3. The kids are lucky they had food and clothes! A party too? You rock!i think the combination theme was so clever!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)