
Monday, February 8, 2016

Gender reveal

Gender reveal parties have sort of become a thing in the last couple years and I loe a good reason to have a party. When I was scheduling my ultrasound the secretary at my OB asked if I was going to find out the gender. I told her yes and that a gender reveal sounded fun but it also sounded like work and I have no energy for work. Then she told me the magic, that I didn't have to do anything but show up, a friend or family member does all the work FOR you. My eyes brightened and I realized if we did it this way then my hubby didn't have to take a day off work to come to the ultrasound and we could give this 3rd baby something a little special and different. 

So I asked Big Sis if she wanted to throw the party and she emphatically said, "YES!" We almost didn't make it to our own party because 2016 dislikes me as much as Dec 2015, but thankfully we were able to coast in just in time.

She decorated cute little water bottles and everyone chose one to vote. 

 Then we opened up a box of balloons and were doused with silly string

There were also delicious cupcakes from Aunt Chris. Jace was disappointed by the news.

One the way home Husband and I had this conversation

Me: So what boys' names do like?
John: I don't know. Kilometer? We could have a theme.
Me: What?
John: Miles...
Me: Oh! Bwhaha
John: what's the next statute greater than a mile?
Me: Umm a hectare? No, that's a unit of area. But we could name him Hector#nerdlove

I posted it on facebook with the picture and it sort of exploded with a million likes and comments so baby brother's official nickname is now Kilo.


  1. lol I loved your conversation with your husband. And how fun for another boy! Congratulations!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)