
Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Who needs Christmas when you can relive Halloween?

Seriously, folks couldn't tell who I was. That's what I get for wearing weird make up on a regular basis :)

Here was the whole fam for context

That was for the church Halloween party and minds were changed by the time actual Halloween came about. As long as I don't have to do any extra work, they can pick anything from the dress up box. M chose Peter Pan.

J chose Fever Elsa (the summer dress from the short sequel before Cinderella. The sleeves aren't as itchy). Obviously, she chose her own fancy pose.

M has asked to trick or treat every week since. They got more candy going around the single loop of my neighborhood than I did after two hours of trick or treating when I was a kid. It pays being some of the only kids on the block because everyone just gives them handfuls.

1 comment:

  1. Grammy is going to have to trick or treat at every one's house so I can see them in person next year!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)