
Monday, November 16, 2015

J's Craft Night

I was in charge of the church craft night and spent quite a bit of time on pinterest coming up with ideas to steal. J loved looking with me and setting up the sample table at church She was disappointed she never had a chance to make the crafts. To console her, I said she could have her own craft night with her friends. It sort of took off and she ended up making invitations and inviting 14 friends. We went as all out as $20 of supplies could go.

J really wanted to make some masks after being inspired by a catalogue with victorian masks in it. Hobby Lobby for the win!

And this fabulous 7 year old had just come back from hiking Havasupi the day before. She is my idol because she conquered the Grand Canyon rim to rim the year before. (Also her mother Leah is an inspiration).

And thank you pinterest for the candy corn garland idea. Simply color orange and yellow circles, then cut it like a pie. Boom! Preschool ability crafting at it's finest.


  1. What a great Mom to host this event! Your Mom should have done something like that! Looks like it was a big success!

  2. You did all that for $20?! That's almost as impressive as the fact that you did it at all!

  3. Wow! Awesome! Leah and I were in the same ward growing up. So fun you know her too!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)