
Monday, October 5, 2015

Redwood National Park

This was my favorite part of the trip. I wanted to spend a week there exploring. And I loved not having to corral my children or control their behavior. Finally they could just run free!

The trees were so awe-inspiring. I'd seen Sequoias before, but the Coastal Redwoods are just SO. TALL.

This guy has a rather unimaginitve name, but is impressive all the same

My tree huggers

The kids didn't really get what we were doing.

This was our try at a panoramic shot. You just can't do them justice.

This is actually inside the tree stump pictured above, but it's one of my favorite shots.


This is what the base looks like tipped over.

The tiny humans look even tinier in the landscape.

I couldn't resist buying a little children's book about the redwoods and it has a page with banana slugs. We found one!

 And the coast! I half expected to see a pirate ship pop out like in Goonies.

We decided to pull over and get our feet wet at the beach. Of course that led to the kids getting soaked, but still worth it.

 J was yelling, "this is the best day EVER!"

 I loved her little footprints

 Then they turned into quadriped prints.

 We grabbed some delicious clam chowder for dinner and headed to the hotel in Eureka. Before we left we stopped to see the Carson Mansion, which the Haunted Mansion was inspired by.


  1. I need to see those trees someday! And throw in a beach? It really does look like the best day ever!

  2. Stunning photos! I agree with J about the best day ever! I Just wanted to soak up the feeling of that forest when we were there ...puts our small crisises in perspective somehow.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)