
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Life Lately

And by lately, I mean over the last two months. I'm on a bloggin binge, what can I say?

He wanted to wear Daddy's shirt to bed

I took an archery class with my mum. Tons of fun!

M got a new helmet.

All the trolls were given names.

M made a "rocketship"

He also demanded popcorn after church and wanted to eat it alone outside. Funny kid.

J made a house with a ramp for people with wheelchairs.

Big Sis bought this fun ball

 J wanted to make this treat from the Friend magazine. I think we did pretty good.

"Take a picture of me!" I must comply.

I redecorated the bathroom and I love how this plant turned out. The adorable elephant gets played with daily.

J made a house she was proud of for her pegasus

Complete with a table set for tea.

A guy at church came up with this way to fill the sacrament cups after being a member for only a month. The pipe has little holes drilled into it and I think it's fantastic.

J wanted a picture of the bow in her hair.

We got free doughnuts for Talk Like A Pirate Day. M's "ARR Matey" has made me watch the video on repeat.

I took a welding class and I'm hooked!

J and her cousins made cookies with Grammy

"Look mom, this is the picture is on Grandma's car." She is absolutely right and blows me away with what she notices.


  1. I love seeing the magna tiles being well loved at your house! Cute kids!

  2. So many wonderful drops of life!!! Love it!

  3. What fun times! Kudos on laughing at the messes... Creativity at play! I like the new bathroom decor, and loved all the updates from your trip earlier too


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)