
Monday, October 12, 2015

Crochet Blessing dress

When my friends are pregnant, I ask what I can crochet for their new babies. One asked for help making a baby blessing dress and sent me a picture of what she was thinking. There was no pattern so I sort of made it up. Then I had to finish it and make some accessories because I have a problem with going a little over the top.

She loved it and I was so proud of it I had to send pictures to everyone I knew. I was also pleased with how the cockerspaniel hat turned out. My friend wanted a dog hat but when I searched for a pattern this ridiculously awesome German Shepard  hat popped up. My friend has 4 cockerspaniels so I decided I could make a hat that looked like her pups using a loop stitch.

She loved it so much that I'm making adult size ones for her and her husband :)

1 comment:

  1. Astounding! The dress is stunning and the puppy is just adorable. With the jam, apple sauce and a Triathlon.... I just can't believe all you do! no wonder you didn't have time to train!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)