
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cell phone pics

J requested two piggies and two braids

I painted my bathroom on a whim. When you find a beautiful shade of Oops paint for super cheao, you just have to buy it.

Taylor G had a birthday party and proved that a Barbie cake dress is still the coolest.thing.ever. when you are turning 4.

They even made a fun photo backdrop.

M made cannons out of the shopvac extensions.


J loves her Barbie? Not sure what the circumstances were behind the picture. Oh well

It only took me five years and a few missed New Year's Resolutions, but I finished my 1000 paper cranes. I should really take a nice style picture of the achievement, but I was proud of this at 11pm and needed to send it to my sister. Thank you Grey's Anatomy for making this possible.

Bogo Coldstone in my birthday month? Yes please. Since it was free, I allowed them to order the blue gummy bear abomination you see.

This will be a beautiful jean quilt. It might take me four years, but there is progress happening!

I love how they pass out in interesting ways.

This girl knows how to get her mom to let her take candy to church. But it matched so well!

1 comment:

  1. I love the moments of life your phone records and so beautifully! I loved the tube canons and necklace. Your cranes are truly amazing!!!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)