
Monday, May 4, 2015

Easter Morning

I sort of decided to make J's Easter dress the night before Easter because I'm stupid. I delegated the basket presentation to Husband and he did a fabulous job. This year the kids got one toy, one bunny. I think this might be our family tradition. Simple and still exciting.

I will have you know this dress even has a zipper and was my first project with a knit fabric. I patterned it after her favorite dress which annoyingly had princess seams. Ugg. But she loves this one too so worth it. Maybe.

I also made M a matching bow tie but since we didn't actually attend church since it was General Conference, he hasn't actually worn it.

M is train crazy. He plays with them every day and thinks all fuel tankers on the road are trains and points them out. He was giddy last week when we were out in Queen Creek and drove over train tracks. If he is wearing his too small Thomas pajamas, he refuses to change out of them.

The bunnies were happily consumed.

At first she wasn't excited about modeling, but I lost too much sleep that night to not get a picture of her in that dress.

Thankfully, she came around.


  1. Impressive work with that dress!!! I love to sew, but zippers and I aren't great friends yet.

  2. Great Job! Thanks for the photos of Easter!

  3. I totally missed Easter this year since it was right after I had Penelope. Your kids look cute and I really like the idea of one toy and one bunny. Good call on that.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)