
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dinosaur Egg

J has been on a dinosaur playing kick lately. I fully support this change from the "Pretend I was a baby and my parents had died and someone left me in a box with nothing but my name" story line. He favorite part is being wrapped up in the blanket "egg" and hatching. I love this game because I can surf the internet and just make the appropriate noises, throw in an occasional squawk and T-rex hands, and keep her happily entertained.


  1. So, I'm going to say that pretty much everyone that knows me for more than 5 minutes knows that I love little kids. But I think, if pressed as to what childlike trait I love the most, I must say that it is the inventiveness of their imaginations. Dinosaur egg blanket? That, my friends, is absolute genius! Love you and your little ones!

  2. Nice! I like that even better than the Baby Unicorn pretend! She really is creative =)

  3. I'm with Todd on this one! We always wondered what she was thinking before she could talk. Now we just have to keep up!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)