
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cornish Game Hens

On a whim, I bought a bunch of Cornish game hens. At the time, we were alternating dinner each Saturday night with our friends the Coopers and we would take turns making fun new recipes. And since the hens were like $2.50 each, I figured, why not? Then the tradition sort of phased out because of scheduling changes so the hens laid in the bottom of my freezer for far to long. 

Well I finally got around to cooking them. J was insistent on having a whole bird to herself. (no she didn't finish it)

M was quite pleased to have a drumstick to gnaw his way through.

After we had eaten ice cream for dinner, J dutifully reminded me of my promise to make "marshmallow sandwiches" like I had promised earlier. As soon asd the marshmallows came out, M had no interest in smores, but through various hand gestures and partially formed words, communicated that he wanted to build snowmen, like we did at J's birthday party. IN DECEMBER! Their memories are ridiculous. J was finished with hers so she left it in her "save for later" shelf on the fridge. This is completely her invention and makes me consider a fridge lock.

J also likes to ask me to take pictures of her and I'm happy to oblige. Grammy and PopPop came over because you have to have an audience for cornish game hens. This smile on J is my favorite so I'm grateful she suggested taking the picture.

She also had fun doing balances on with PopPop

It is so much fun to have them home!

1 comment:

  1. It is such fun to be home and to be part of the fun activities you have! It was delicious too!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)