
Monday, February 23, 2015

My Yogis

I'm not sure how it started, but J was rockin' a triangle pose. When M realized yoga was happening he went to go get a mat.

 At this point there was some fighting and general chaos and I didn't get a picture of M doing his yoga. Fortunately the same thing repeated the next day.

I think it's pretty adorable :)


  1. Hey! They're just like their uncle! I often think that I should exercise, then say "Namast'ay in bed".

    They remain, as ever, adorable beyond words. And it is clear that there is some good behavior that they're modelling. Must be someone influencing them for the positive. Good job, mom. Love you all!

  2. J does have a naturally excellent form, hopefully M will too. Yay for exercise!

  3. We form our kids whether we like it or not!!! Of course they put their own twist on everything!!! Love it!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)