
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Holiday Festivities

J was adorable in her little preschool program. It was fantastic watching the various levels of engagement, pitch, and timing. Absolutely perfect.

We went to Bass Pro to enjoy the activities and see Santa. I loved that J chose a Christmas dress all on her own.

Finally a carousel M can ride over and over. Look at that smile!

M enjoyed redecorating the tree.

J was really looking forward to Aunt Mona's Christmas party. At the Halloween party she asked if they were going to frost trees. That girl and her memory. We made sure to go this year and it did not disappoint.

Singing carols into the elf microphone.

The much anticipated trees

This time Husband was able to come too!

 M thought he belonged in the baby car seat and thought he was so hilarious. It's by the little Christmas tree so it is in the Christmas post :)

I made these advents for the ladies I visit teach, inspired by punch-a tune. 150 hot glued dixie cups later...

They were a hit and my kids fought over turns each day.

1 comment:

  1. I always love the little crafty things you do.. what's on top of the cup?


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)