
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fox hat

My friend is waiting to find out the gender for their baby and I wanted to crochet something for their woodland nursery. I found this cute pattern for a little fox. Half way in I started to get discouraged and thought he looked a little stupid. This often happens to me while I crochet. I'm going for adorable, handmade, over-priced boutique, but after staring at something long enough it looks more like ratty, grandma's attic leftovers.

Husband tried to convince me it was cute, but I was still hypercritical.  I decided to whip up the unambiguously cute fox hat real fast. And by real fast I mean 5 episodes of Once Upon a Time, staying up until 2am. J agreed that it was "So cute!" I threw them both in the gift bag with some of my favorite fancy swaddling blankets and called it good.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)