
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Halloween Boo at the Library

I think this is the last of the Halloween posts. There's a reason why fall is so big for bloggers, so many photo opportunities! There was a trick or treat event at the library, but J had preschool. I figured I took J to stuff like this all the time when she was littler so I decided to go with just M.

He didn't really get the craft idea. He doesn't have the dexterity for scissors (a blessing actually) and just wanted to take the cap on and off the glue stick, which he couldn't do so he just grunted and yelled at me to help him with every 5 seconds.

But he looked so adorable as Spiderman I was happy to do it! Well, for four times.

Then we paraded around the library, stopping for little toys, stickers, and candy. He wasn't quick to pick up on the concept, but he recognized a mini Twix when he got it and wanted to plop down and yell at me to open it. I didn't want to unleash chocolate toddler hands on the library so we had a little disagreement. In the end I gave in and decided he could eat it if I held him.

The last stop on the parade gave us a really nice board book.

 M tried to eat it.

When J found out about our adventure, I expected her to be upset she didn't get to go but she thought it was fair that M went because he didn't get to go to preschool. She was excited to read his new book with him. She inspires me.


  1. I asume this means he got over his fever. His PopPop loves the costume! We are both glad to see the photos and that he likes books. He'll get the reading part eventually. Our kids always inspire us! So wonderful!

  2. I am still trying to learn it's ok to take Eli special places without the others and he's 4 so you're way ahead of me. Way to go J on being so mature about it!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)