
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ballet Under the Stars

Ballet Arizona does 4 or 5 performances a year in various parks throughout the valley and they are FREE! This is the best way to take a 3 year old to see "real ballet girls." She didn't have to sit still or be super quiet and I didn't have to feel worried about other people being annoyed with us. J insisted on wearing her ballet clothes and even had me lift her up so she could try a lift like the "princesses." She did a pretty good version of the splits and wiggled her toes. 

Enjoying suckers after ballet class


  1. That really is an amazing way to get to take kids to a show! Jealous!

  2. Wow, I've never heard of this! Sounds fun.

  3. So glad you went! You are dooming yourself though. Maybe cousin Briann can help. She did a lot of ballet.


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)