
Monday, May 5, 2014

Neighborhood Egg Hunt

This year we finally remembered a basket!

Our friend Ava had a  much better basket

 Ours was quickly filled to capacity

 Penny was there too

Husband had the day off and came along too.

M didn't really get the collecting idea and just fixated on one egg.

 He still had a great time though!


  1. You have such an amazing family. I'm so impressed with them. And it is such a pleasure to be able to enjoy J from the first minute, instead of an hour of worming my way back into her heart. It makes becoming the favorite uncle much easier. And M is such a stud-muffin. And I do enjoy every time I get to just chat with your husband. He's an awesome guy. Oh...and you're pretty cool too....I guess...if it means that mom will stop making us hold hands....

    Thanks for making the trek, and, as always, you remain welcome whenever you'd like.

  2. We love your comments Todd! Your little M is getting so photogenic! He is giving J a run for her money. His personality just jumps out of the photos. Thank you for sharing all the Easter photos!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)