
Friday, April 18, 2014

Desert Botanical Gardens

The Desert Botanical Gardens had a new Chihuly exhibit and Madre Dos invited us along to see them.

They also had their butterfly experience open which was very exciting for one curly-haired girl.

I thought this guy was pretty cool, but I think he's technically a moth.

This butterfly is my favorite though.

J's favorite part of the whole day was probably this ground squirrel's performance. He was as interested in M's gold fish as M.

Grandma's extra hat was a little too big.

M rather enjoyed his ride, and a little sunshade peek-a-boo.

Of course, we never pass up a chance to play in a water feature, especially such a beautiful one like this.

Thanks Madre Dos for taking us!


  1. I seriously can hardly believe how big your kids are. M is almost 1 yr old. Crazy! Thanks for the pictures they make me happy

  2. We went with you one year. Excited to do it again! Love those babies. Thanks for the photos. You are AMAZING!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)