
Friday, January 3, 2014

Temple Christmas Lights

So we are going to play a bit more catch up. Forget July, let's have some Christmas in January! My tree is still up so it fits for us. Anywho, we went to see the lights at the temple the Sunday before we left to Spain.

I swear these guys don't look half as eerie in real life.

M thought the lights were quite interesting, if not a bit overwhelming. He fell asleep a short while later.

I don't know if this statue is new or not since it's been a few years since I made it to see the temple lights, but I loved it. I particularly loved the bright star in the sky behind it.

I think J was more impressed with the pool of water. She stayed dry though!

The fake star is still striking


  1. Just so you know, I put the lights on the blue camel.

  2. Good work Matt! The lights seem magical to me, though I think I liked them better a few years ago. Maybe because they were unusual then. Now so many places have big displays. Of course, putting those darling kids in them makes them much more wonderful than they every were before.

  3. My favorite part is that J is wearing short sleeves. Why, oh why do I live in Chicago?!

  4. Katie I noticed that too! Our heater is not working great so I've had around 3 layers on all the time. I miss you guys!


Ah the external validation that keeps me blogging :)